Customised apps with your brand.
Support for multiple application platforms.
Live and on-demand video streaming.
Multiple video feeds.
Simultaneous video feeds on-screen.
Single video format across all platforms (others supported).
Delivering Digital Content
Customised apps with your brand.
Support for multiple application platforms.
Live and on-demand video streaming.
Multiple video feeds.
Simultaneous video feeds on-screen.
Single video format across all platforms (others supported).
Modular approach to app construction.
Select the modules that you need in your app.
Custom modules can be added.
Use your branding, themes and designs.
Infograpics for data and other content overlays.
Content rich experience.
Content can be dynamically loaded or built into apps.
Multiple language support.
Social network integration.
Social network enhanced services.
Easily customisable.
Flexible, dynamic layout makes content work across supported platforms and screen resolutions.
Easy, consistent navigation throughout apps.
Real-time data display.
Data synchronised with video for both live and on-demand events.
Time-shift video and data together.
Infographics for advanced data display.
Incident reporting and immediate jump to incident feature.
Collect customer payments on all platforms.
Content individually set as for-pay or free.
Integration with platform specific payment mechanisms for better customer experience.
Multiple currency support.
Customer behaviour tracking.
Popularity feedback.
Change application behaviour based on customer usage patterns.
Scalable, performant platform.
Content management allows management of rights controlled content.
Geo-locking for rights control.
CDN support for video playback.
Want to deliver live and on-demand video?
With synchronised data?
Live, real-time graphical overlays?
Multi-device support?
Contact us:
info@piqax.comCopyright (c) 2014, Piqax Ltd.